Thursday, 16 August 2012


Confidence, confidence, confidence. I love the word 'Confidence'. I love what it represents and I am yet to find anyone who dislikes the word and what it represents. When I was about to set up my water refinery, my strategy team asked me what I would like the core attribute of the brand and content to represent? They made several suggestions – convenience, satisfaction, purity, trust etc and my simple answer was ‘Confidence’. Bottle confidence and ensure that the brand exudes confidence, lots of it  I said and I believe that that is what we have managed to deliver with Ice H20 (water). 

Management gurus will tell you that you have it made if you find a human need and fill it in a unique way. While that is largely true, my hypotheses is that people desire CONFIDENCE more than SERVICE. When you get on a plane, you get a service right? And you paid for that service right? Wrong! YOU PAID FOR CONFIDENCE. The confidence that the airplane will lift off, and successfully deliver you at your destination. When you pay for a business class seat, you paid for convenience right? No! YOU PAID FOR CONFIDENCE! The confidence that when you get on the plane you will have a comfortable bed seat and that you will not be sandwiched between two obnoxious people like they have back in economy.

That people essentially buy CONFIDENCE and it does not matter if the human need has already been met by several players, if you can package and sell confidence, you have it made! When you buy a mercedes benz or BMW, you are buying confidence – the confidence that the car will perform at the highest level and elecit stares, acknowledgement of your status, envy and admiration. That is why I am confident in my consulting practice when I advise businesses on how to repackage and deliver their products and or services. At the core of my advisory intervention is CONFIDENCE. From mentoring and prepping prospective interviewees to big corporates, we always win whenever we are able to deliver confidence. Confidence is universal. 

All top brands and services, irrespective of the service or utility they provide, sell one thing- CONFIDENCE. NIKE, MICROSOFT, APPLE, CATERPILLER, NOKIA, FACEBOOK, HP, BOEING, TOYOTA, SIEMENS, BRACKBERRY, McDONALD, DIESNEY,  HILTON, COCA COLA, ICE H20 (Lol!) etc. I could go on and on. All these great brands provide different services, but the common thread that joins them all is CONFIDENCE. These brands no longer sell their brand attributes, they sell you CONFIDENCE. The confidence that if you use their product, it will PERFORM TO ITS SPECIFICATION – EVERYTIME ! – CONFIDENCE.

It does not matter what service or product you provide, I dare you to look beyond delivering a service or product, I dare you to change your paradigm and sell or deliver Confidence. Same goes for your personal brand! Let your Product, Service or Brand elicit, evoke or represent confidence and the world will beat a path to your door. 

Remember……..the lack of money is the root of all evil!

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Lessons From The Mongoose

I love watching the Discovery Channel because it is the purest form of reality TV. Pure nature, real time and unscripted. More than this, the lessons that I learn from the wildlife are invaluable in my personal and business life. Wolves teach us about team work with their ‘wolf pack’ mentality, Lions about power, strategy and domination. Bees about structure, organisation, division of labour and hierarchy etc. I could go on all day.

I watched a documentary about the life of the mongoose, a beautiful animal not much bigger than a rabbit that live in groups. I watched how they organised their lives and how protective they were of their children and watched in horror as a giant size king cobra invaded their burrow to feast on the cute babies. The ‘king’ will literally kill and swallow any animal the size of a rabbit including other snakes I watched as the mongooses all took flight the moment the snake appeared. I shut my eyes. I could not watch the inevitable. None of the mongooses stood a chance against a cobra whose venom is potent enough to kill an elephant. A snake that all other animals would rather avoid.

Then something strange happened, the mongooses had regrouped and surrounded the reptile. Each stayed just outside striking distance of the snake and each tried to distract it. The narrator explained that with so many moving targets to focus on, the snake is unable to single out an individual mongoose to attack thereby making it unable to kill any on them. As one mongoose was distracting the cobra, another one would bite its body or tail and as the snake made to react, it was attacked by yet another mongoose. Eventually the snake tired out and the mongooses shredded it to bits and ate the entire snake! They were not going to waste a prime source of protein. No !

The predator became the prey! We never see buffalo killing and eating the lion, nor the zebra doing the same to the wolf, or crocodile! This was unique and this picture of the predator king of snakes which is well above the mongoose in the food chain being consumed by the prey stayed with me for several days and I could not understand why, until yesterday when the penny dropped that there were several life and business lessons to be learned from the mongoose mentality.


#1 Being the top predator or top dog does not always guarantee success (that you will always win)
The fact that your business is dominant in your market, that you are the boss or that you are larger or more lethal than your competition or peers does not guarantee that you will always beat them or be better than them.
#2 Never enter the territory of the enemy if you are going to be out numbered
If you are going to enter a new market do so only when you are sure that you have the resources and right strategy to quickly acquire market share. If you allow the competition to recognise you as a threat and regroup, they will devour you.
#3 A few 'dwarfs' working together can defeat a giant.
Always realise that your market share, dominance or power can be eroded or destroyed buy several smaller competitors that undermine you simultaneously

#4 Never under-estimate the power of the enemy (overconfidence may hurt you)
The smallest competitors have the potential to hurt you. Never under estimate them. They are nimble, unconventional and will wear you down if you do not change strategy.

#5 It is easier to defeat your enemy if your understand his strengths and weaknesses and exploit them
Understanding what makes and adversary or competitor thick or not, is the key to defeating them.

#6 Not all battles have to be won.
He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day. In business and life it is sometimes better to cut your losses and run.  
Those are the lessons the Mongoose taught me. Do you see other life and business lessons that I have missed? Please share and I will be honoured to update the blog with them.

Remember, the lack of money is the root of all evil!

Saturday, 21 July 2012

I Have Been Fired. So What?

I am motivated to write this blog because of some of the responses to my last blog: YOU ARE FIRED! At the end of the blog, I asked two questions. ‘I have been fired. What now? And I have been fired. So what?’  As a means of prompting readers to reflect on their current position within the context of the commentary YOU ARE FIRED! The general response was of shock, as people realised that they are no way near prepared to confront the reality of life after the ‘fire’. The general overiding emotion was fear, panic and confusion, even helplessness.

However, a number of people said ‘so what’? Which I took to mean that they could not be bothered because they were prepared (or so they thought) for the eventuality of being fired, made redundant or retired. So I decided to probe further by contacting a few of them to find out how prepared they really were and I was really shocked by my findings. One guy told me he had a buffer of about 100,000 dollars in savings and so was prepared in the event that he lost his job.  Another had speculated in land in the surburbs. Another lady told me that the value of her gold jewellry was enough to carry her till she found her next job. Yet another told me of completed business plans and strategy for starting a new business. Less than 10 percent had earning assets or investments that would yield them annuity income and thus provide them with a ‘salary’ in the absence of paid employment.

Without fear of contradiction, I dare say that even if you have a million dollars in the bank, the interest from such a deposit  at today’s rates, will not be able to maintain your quality of life if you do not have supplementary income. You will simply continue to spend out of the million to supplement, until it vanishes before your eyes. Yes, gold, land and other assets are good, but in the same vein, you will continue to extract cash from these assets to meet your needs, until they also disappear. You can argue that gold increases in value and that land appreciates, but to extract value, you have to dispose of the asset and once ownership changes hands, they become redundant to you. In my opinion, beyond outright disposal, they are useful to the extent that they can be used to secure credit that will enable you finance investments that will yield you rent, annuity income or create wealth.

It is apparent that most of my respondents have acquired assets that will tide them through those bumps resulting from a short term loss of job and not for the sustained absence from work or inability to return to employment that is the norm today.  If you have not invested in a business or assets that will yield you profit, dividends, rent or annuity income that is large enough to pay you a salary in a figure big enough to ensure an acceptable quality of life to you, then you have not started my friend. You are in no way ready to survive and thrive in a sustained period of job loss or economic down turn. 

My advice today is that you appraise your assets and reconfigure them or convert them into assets that will yield you income, even as the asset itself continues to appreciate in value. In my next blog I will be discussing investment  and wealth creation options that may guide you to become truly financially independent and enable you say ’So what?’ in the real sense of the word.

Remember, it is the lack of money that is the root of evil.

Monday, 16 July 2012

You Are Fired!

So you have a cushy well paid job? Perks and all. You think you have a career and you are living your dream or so you think? You are on top of your game……you work for a big firm…. nothing can go wrong. Really?  Are you sure? What guarantees do you have and from who? Your boss? Chairman? Who dares give anyone a guarantee of life employment? Don’t be deceived, everyone is expendable and everyone has a ‘’sell by’’ date which can be brought forward at any time by personal biases, economic down turn, re-engineering, your performance, age, gender or a number of other factors that are too numerous to mention.
Most people (I like to call them company people) are so sucked in by the allure of their jobs and careers that they become blindsided and refuse to acknowledge the reality of job loss. They fail or refuse to plan for life after employment and find themselves out in the cold when this happens. Mind you, I am not saying that being an employee is a bad thing (although none of the richest people in Nigeria and indeed the world are strictly employees but that is a topic for another day), what I'm driving at is that people fail to plan for job loss and the possibility that they may be unable to re-enter the job market because of economic and other constraints. As a result they end up devastated and bitter.
Ask some of the odd 20,000 bank staff who have lost their cushy and well-paid jobs over the last 36 months (more will still  have to go) about their experiences and 80% will give you ‘’stories that touch the heart’’. Most left with little or nothing. As a matter of fact most left with huge debts as benefits were set off against loans taken. (As far as I know the Oil and Gas sector is perhaps the only sector in our economy with a near acceptable compensation structure for letting people go). All other sectors appear to use and dump!
I am currently helping a gentleman who was an Assistant General Manager in a bank, build a business. The story he told me brought tears to my eyes. He told me that in one day his world came crashing down after 12 years of meritorious service. Everything he held dear was taken from him. His jeep, generator, laptop and other things, even his blackberry were taken. He was left with a debt of about 25 million naira and constantly harassed by the bank (his former friends and colleagues) to pay up, meanwhile they had applied commercial rates (imagine!).
He had no car to get home; there was no car to take the children to school the next day. His cash flow dried up, and he could no longer pay his children’s fees in the highbrow school they attend. He had to start selling personal effects to be able to even feed his family properly. His friends stopped taking his calls and worst of all, he was not been able to get another job anywhere (he studied biology and has worked in banking operations all his life, with basically no other sell-able skills). He had no idea as to what to do with his life. He was totally floored by the prospect of starting life again. By the time he found me, he was a wreck!
We have worked very hard to get him back on track. He now has a viable business proposition and actually now sees his lay off as divine intervention. (Personally, it is his turn round that I see as the result of divine intervention)  He is one of the lucky 20% who will be able to reverse their fortunes and adapt, having made no plans for life after employment (not retirement, which a pension is supposed to cater for). The remaining 80% will struggle to make ends meet as they continue to search for other jobs, enduring diminishing net worth and considerable loss of quality of life and social status. They may never get the job re-entry they desperately need and unless they get professional help 90% will fail in their attempt at self-employment.
Do something for me please. Close your eyes for 10 minutes and imagine that due to no fault of yours your position has been out sourced and you have just been told by your very good friend who is the head of HR that you have been fired! Imagine the consequences for you and your family? What resources do you have? What is your fallback position? How will you cope? Can you still afford the rent or mortgage and school fees now overdue?  Where will you go from here? Your friends and former colleagues are now avoiding you. There is no one to help. What’s your plan B? Do you even have one?
I guess most of you could not go the entire 10 minutes because a nightmare was unfolding right before your eyes, right? I have decided to shock you today with this wake up call. Assume that you have lost your job today and begin to put things in place that will secure your future income streams and earning potential. It is never too late to start. My calling is to create wealth and help others do so. My future blogs will throw more light on what needs to be done, but if you are so frightened by the vision you just had and need to jump-start the process, you can contact me for assistance.

Remember, it is the lack of money that is the root of all evil !

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Money Makes The World Go Round.

Yes, whether you agree or not, money does make the world go around. And that is the reason why I have set up this blog. Is there anything you can do without money? At the end of the day, we are all motivated by money. Businesses, families, nations, religion, schools, organizations and so on. We all need money and lots of it. This blog, the Multi Millionaire Maker ('M3') business blog is all about money- How to make it, how to keep it, how to multiply it, what to do with it and most critically how NOT to lose it.

Money is blind and does not discriminate so this site has no age, creed or gender restrictions.It is for the old and the young, the men and women, the rich entrepreneur and the fledgling business person, the bishops and the imams, the soldier and the government officials, the high and the low. In short, this site is for anyone who is interested in creating wealth. Lasting wealth.

If you doubt the relevance of money, try to go one single day without having to use money in any form. Is it even possible? To be honest, trying to live without money will cost you money. Money is not the root of all evil, it is the lack of it, if you ask me?

So I look forward to sharing with you in the days, weeks, months and years to come on how we can make ourselves some good money honestly!.

But let me leave you with this one singular truth - Nothing is impossible! 

The first step to making money is believing you can!

 P. S. Don't forget to follow this site and share with your contacts.